* LIFE *

A place to let go,coverse, chat, gossip,just being real because that is what LIFE is all about... Yeah yeahh just be Honest and speak your mind cause someone is listening or I should say "reading"

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wow, I am actually having this conversation

I went to visit my Aunt last night because she had flu. While I was there the girls and I decided to have some fun and do some cooking and just spend some time with each other.
These are my Nieces and cousins. The oldest one is 19 the youngest one turning 16 on April 2nd. Anyways we were acting like fools, saying stupid stuff and just having a ball. I can't forget dancing! (rolling my eyes). So they were teaching me new slang and new dances, just stuff. Keeping me updated since they are still in College and High school. For some reason the fun gear to "boys" or "men".
After every sentence they would say " I can't believe I am having this conversation with you Diamon". I would say I am glad you could talk to me. ( but inside I was going "no kidding") I mean I can't help being over protective of my girls.
The whole time I was thinking to myself how time flies. I remember when they were younger. And today I am talking to them about boys.( unbelievable).
So the 19 year old just broke up with her boy friend of 4 years. She is very strong but she kept telling me that she is feeling that her soul hurts. And it wasn't really because she broke up with her sweetheart. It just hurt. I felt really bad that she was in trying to keep her head up and all those mixed emotions that she is going thru. The other girl were talking about there secret crushes and who they like to date in there school or the face book. I was very happy that they all opened up to me. They kept telling me how cool I was for opening my self to them too. I thought the only way to relate them was by explaining my experiences and sharing that with them. So it worked! Last night was the most fun of this whole week. I really enjoyed my self with them and got to unwind with some good food and lots lots of smiles and laughter.
I hope that we will have more of these times. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Total Gym @ home

Few weeks back my brother had decided that he wanted to have his own apartment, so last Week End he moved out the house. He used to hang out with his friend in the basement but now that he moved I am taking over and turning it to a Home gym.
After 3 different membership in the last 4 years I don't really think that I can push myself to go anywhere for exercise. Sometimes when I feel like going to exercise just thinking about changing and driving to the gym use to kill my enthusiasm So now whenever I feel like shaking things up all I have to is go downstairs. Just finished preparing my 21 days trial for daily exercise @ 6 or 7 am. Since I don't have to be at work until 9 or 10am. Then see if the evenings would be better. This is what I am going to start with:
- Treadmill
- elliptical
- dumbbell set up 3 lbs to 40 lbs max (for now)
- Fitness mat
- Body ball set
- Aerobics video
Then I need stuff to make the experience enjoyable. So I am keeping my Brothers stereo system, a TV ,DVD and VCR combo. I think last but not the least a trip to Target to get some glamour decor.
If you have any ideas on what else I can add please do.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Which Sex and the City Vixen are You?

You Are Most Like Charlotte!
You are the ultimate romantic idealistYou've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.
Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?
Could be very serious - if you play your cards right!
Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?

I don't know about if being hurt before is the right word for me. But maybe a little I don't really think about it anymore.
It's like something that should have happened for me to be who I am today. On second thoughts I'll say a learning experience definitely not hurt. No drama and not so close as a broken heart.
The rest of the result I would surely agree... Humn maybe (thinking) forger it..
I said too much already :/

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Flash backs

I found my self today thinking about the good the old days of childhood. I was remembering just how exciting it was to anticipate holidays and family functions. Or the anticipation of getting a new toy, clothes, or stuff. For some of us nerd I will include school supplies hahaha... I know how that used to make me feel. I remember that I could never sleep every eve of some social event. The end of Ramadan and Eid and christening and in-house family weddings. I was always so excited that I thought the break of dawn would never arrive. I remember my heart pumping so hard every time I thought about my new outfit that mom had brought home from the tailor. The shoes, and accessories. By the eve of the function I would already have had my hair done and I would be wearing a scarf so that I didn't mess up my Hair.(smiling really big and shaking my head)
I remember my sister and younger brother would stay up talking about what we will do with our presents. Because social function always were massive at our house. Lots and lots of guests. Can you just imagine how much mischief we could get away with. Because of the size and the mass we could always say that it was some other kid that did it.
That got me thinking how being grown up really sucks. Because you learn to be formal always thinking about being perfect. Not doing or saying anything that would sound stupid. So we keep so much to our self instead of sharing our thoughts to others.
Plus "grown ups" always talk about responsibilities and responsibilities and forget living. Because really really living would be considered as shying away from our responsibilities. Then one day we wake up and ask 'what in the world happened?' When did I go wrong?
I hope that I would never ask myself that in the future. I hope that I will live life to its fullest and have no regrets of everything and anything that I ever do. I hope the same for you guys :)
Do you remember? What were the most special time of being really young? If you could do the things you did when you were young what would those be? What do you miss the most?
I want details people. So come on people share your self with us ;)

Monday, February 13, 2006

I Wish You Were My Valentine

I wish you were my ValentineThough
I may not be yours,
And I may, in my ignorance,
Be speaking to closed doors.

I have no inkling of your heart,
No hint what you might say;
But when I think of you the sun
Will just not go away.

There is in you a loveliness
That makes my darkness shine,
And so I'll wait, if wait I must,
To be your Valentine.


Hope Is a Breeze Across an Open Field

Hope is a breeze across an open field.
Anger comes from pounding on a door,
Positive one wants the door to yield.
Perhaps from this one senses something more.
Yearning is a song to wake the dead.
Very few can yearn for what is theirs.
Although love waits half-naked on the bed,
Life can seem a maze of doors and stairs.
Each soul pursues the prey of its desire,
Not knowing that to have must mean to kill.
There is no deed that documents love's fire;
In lovers' hearts, one comes and goes at will.
Need is a wind that strips the landscape bare;
Eventually one turns, and love is there.

Friday, February 10, 2006

New discoveries

The discovery of the week is : Sushi!

For some reason I always had in my mind that sushi must be disgusting. I mean how do you eat raw fish? I just wink when I looked at people eating sushi. Well I guess I joined the gang.

Yesterday my ex co-worker and I went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch. And for some reason on impulse we ordered sushi because it was the specialty of the chef. I must say that I was really taken back. We were both looking at each other before we put the food in our mouth and waiting to feel the taste of it. Then it wasn't what I thought at all that it would be. It was really good. So I am happy to say that next time I am invited for a sushi dinner or lunch I will be up for it. Still I haven't tried all different kinds of seafood yet. Like octopus tenacles and caviar(taking a deep breath right now) I don't see my self eating any of those two anytime soon. Just writhing about it is making me feel all weird and funny.
So sushi? Anyone?


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Public Humiliation at its BEST

God let me have that kind of personality. On second thought maybe not. I am talking about the famous 'AMERICAN IDOL' show and the people that participate. Can you just imagine going on national television knowing full well of how many people are going to be watching and make a dear fool of yourself. I just think that those people have very few insecurities or there so called friends or family are not being honest with them. I mean I see parents in the show that bring there children and telling them I know you are going to be the next American Idol. But when the person opens there mouth it's how Simon puts "it is Excruciating". Some of the people are really really funny but some are just plain STUPID.
I watch character after character come up and try to be the next pop star. Oh well I guess it doesn't hurt to try your luck. Then we the public get to have some entertainment right?
That is some sacrifice, humiliate yourself then gain to be seen on national television. I don't know if there is anything gain by it. Who knows maybe they will get lucky. The phrase ' a blessing in disguise' comes to mind.
Yeah I don't want that kind of personnality.

Monday, February 06, 2006


I have been tagged by stallion.

The rules of the game:
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Sex Target: MALE!
1) Personality
2) Personality
3) Personality
4) Intelligent
5) Honest
6) Romantic
7) Sexy
8) Stylish (baby you have got to have Style)

Four jobs I've had:
1. Assistant manager (Property Management. Current Job) a year and 6 months
2. Supervisor for the Data entry and Sort department (UPS) a year and 8 months
3. Data entry (UPS then got promoted to supervisor) 6months later
4. My 1st job Arbys ( team member) 1 year ! I think I gained pounds just by hanging around the fryer

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Titanic
2. Friday after next / Friday
3. Meet Joe black
4. Depends on what mood I have lots and lots of different choices.

Four places I have lived:
1. Ohio, USA
2. Dakar, Senegal
3. Brazzaville, Congo * Before the total chaos that have ravaged the city* Makes me Sad
4. Rep Congo formally Zaire. Again when it was really really nice to live there.* today well you know totally different story!

Four TV shows I love:
1. Over there
2. Charmed
3. CSI
4. NYPD criminal intent

Four places I'’ve vacationed:
1. Disney world, Florida Recently ( I don't know if it counts as vacation but I really loved it)
2. Washington DC
3. Richmond, VA
4. Manhattan, NY
Give me couple more years when I start my World tour. Then will see!

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Loaded omelettes
2. Tchiebou djen ( a very popular dish in Senegal. And very very delicious) Rice, and Fish and so much more depending on the who is making the dish
3. Lamb Chops ( specially @ Champs) oh my mouth is watery
4. Pasta ( yes Italian food. I love it)

Four sites I visit daily:
1. MSN
2. Yahoo
3. Google
4. Blogger

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. California. My brother is there right now
2. New Jersey friends that I would love to hang out with
3. In some cruise on my world tour.
4. Italy, Norway, France, England got family and friends on all those places

People I am tagging:
1. Please don't tell me this just to learn more on our future psychologist
2. Deedee to bring her back in the blog world

Please tell me that I get an A+

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Not interested

We have had a Temp here in the office for the past few weeks to help catch up. This dude has been on my A$$ for the pass days for me to go out with him. I mean how many time can a girl say NO. NO NO NO NO can't you get it? But Nooooooo I don't think he does or he just plain persistent. Almost everyday for an hour he has just to harass me on things like what do you like? What do you do for fun? Where do you go out to? What are your plans for this weekend? What are your plan for this for that? Oh! Have you seen this movie? That movie?
My answers yes I have seen them . I don't have to go the AMC to watch any new blockbuster. My brother brings them home. So he goes can you invite me at your house to watch the movies with you. I say Hell NO! Then he says "or you can come by my place and we can watch together." And I go did I say Hell NO I really mean Hell NOOO on this one. He takes it as a joke and just laughs. I am looking at him fuming. I s this dude for real? Because the 1st days I was kind let him down easy you know. I am sorry I have things to do. Or I won't be in town. Or my free time is booked already. But I don't think neither easy or hard works for this guy.
Now this whole week he try a different approach. 1st he fished information out of me. Like what kind of food you like? Things like that. Since Monday I come to work and here he is with his big smile "Hi, good morning I brought you breakfast". The 1st time I thanked him for being so thoughtful because he got himself breakfast and bought me some too. But then it's like every two days he bring me breakfast. Now I am thinking is this guys just being nice or is he trying to bribe me? I am guessing the latter. I don't even eat the stuff he brings me. Mostly McDonald's breakfast or BK I just say thank you and put the food in the trash. He is really pushing my buttons. How would you handle this? I don't know what else to tell him.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Okay today I can really relate to this drawing a 100%. This morning when I woke up I was feeling so rested and energized until I got in the office. The 90 degree shift on my mood caugt me by suprise. One minute I was drinking my coffe relaxed by the fire place next hour I was feeling like crap. I really just wanted to be out of the office. I think because I am bored. I really can't do anything yet until I get the stuff that I am waiting for. Any ways I have been debating if I should cut the day short or just stick it out til the end. So I decided to reorganize my office and see the change of scenery will make a difference. But I can't seem to make up my mind on what am doing. I am getting frustated for absolutely no reason. Or is there? I really can't answer that.
I hope you guys are having a better day. Because it's not going so good for me.

Later people....