* LIFE *

A place to let go,coverse, chat, gossip,just being real because that is what LIFE is all about... Yeah yeahh just be Honest and speak your mind cause someone is listening or I should say "reading"

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Fake people

Okay I am not usually taken with peoples action but sometimes I just plain don't get it.
I mean Fake people, If you don't like to be bothered with something why don't you just leave it alone. I mean if you don't feel like listening or talking to someone why bother. After all you are your self you don't have to do things just because you care about what other people are going to think. Any way this is the reason I am even posting this: these past days I came across a person that was pretending to be smiling at the person when you clearly can tell they just didn't want to. Acting fake, I don't think they realize that whatever turmoil that goes on in your self 9 out 10 shows in your face. But I don't think she knew that, because this lady was faking a smile and everything she was doing the way she talked and her facial expressions and body language.
Plus just the way she acted I was like OH MY GOSH? What is she thinking?
I mean she was so fake that you couldn't help but act fake too.
And what is funny is when you are force to act like it's like you couldn't help it, it was the way that they acted around that made you act that way towards them.
I thought that was just a waist of time. I mean if I don't feel like talking to you I just wont. Plain and simple. Definitely would not go to the extend of pretending with you, because I just don't have to...

Any way that is what I think. What about you guys how would you react to this situation?


  • At 2:28 AM, October 17, 2005, Blogger The Stallion said…

    Hmmmm, when it comes to this situation I would treat it in one of two ways:

    1) If I was approached with a "fake" hi or a "fake" smile I would show a genuine hi and a smile or a genuine hi with an atitude!

    2) I wouldn't even "give them face"! I wouldn't agnolidge thier existance around me until they act in the manner in which is more respectful!

  • At 1:13 PM, October 17, 2005, Blogger Unknown said…

    It's crazy, but number1 is very hard. Am telling you reacting fake would be a suprise to you.Because when I did react the way I did, I couldn't help but say to myself "what in hell, I can't believe I just did that" I was laughing at myself because it caught me by suprise.
    No 2 is good.
    thanks ;)

  • At 6:34 PM, February 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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