* LIFE *

A place to let go,coverse, chat, gossip,just being real because that is what LIFE is all about... Yeah yeahh just be Honest and speak your mind cause someone is listening or I should say "reading"

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Good to know

I was at my doctor's office for my annual check up earlier today.
While the Doctor was checking my heart rate he asked me
Dr: Do you exercise regularly?
Me: No ( I said that quite fast too) and I started smiling just thinking what he was about to say. Kind of waiting to be scolded at.
Dr: Humn, your heart beat is slow. Usually people who don't exercise have a fast heart bit.
Me: So am I okay?
Dr: yeahh. You heart beat is very healthy.
Me: (grinning from ear to ear) Yep, am special! (laughing)
Dr: (smiling) well, I'll still recommend regular exercise.
At this point he burst my bubble. Still, I am happy about the outcome of my visit.
Now that I think of it. I have been doing a lot dancing. I guess I exercise regularly.
Who knows...

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