* LIFE *

A place to let go,coverse, chat, gossip,just being real because that is what LIFE is all about... Yeah yeahh just be Honest and speak your mind cause someone is listening or I should say "reading"

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


If you could "uninvent" one thing in the world so that it would no longer exist, what would you choose?

If you had to choose the title of your autobiography, what would it be?

If you could destroy a single tape or CD that your mate plays, what would it be?

If you could read the private diary of someone you know personally, whose diary would you read?

If you could have the phone number of anyone in the world, whose would it be, and what would you say to them?

If you could "unknow" one thing you know, what would it be?

If you could discover that something you thought was true was actually false, what would you wish it to be?

If you could have anyone in the world say one romantic thing to you, what would it be, and who would utter it?


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