* LIFE *

A place to let go,coverse, chat, gossip,just being real because that is what LIFE is all about... Yeah yeahh just be Honest and speak your mind cause someone is listening or I should say "reading"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

India or Asia?

Yesterday at my Orthodentist appointment.
My Orthodentist was telling me on some of the thing that my Dentist will need to perform so I can complete my treatment. This was one of conversation:

Dr: What is the name of your dentist again?
Me: Dr Tamimi
Dr: Dr Taaammm....?
Me: his name is Dr Ta mee mee
Dr: Oh, I thought it was a She.
Me: No, it's a he
Dr: hum, that's an unusual name. Where is he from?
Me: I am not sure. But I think it's Asia, either India or the neighbouring countries.
Dr: Asia, no way. It can't be. Asia is like China or Japan the sort...

Me: I could be wrong. But I really thought India was part of Asia.
Dr: I don't think so. India is .... uh.... like India. yeah. India is India.
Me: Really? wow, I guess that could be.
Dr: okay well, this is what he will need to do.....

We went on from there. But the whole thing was bugging me. He really messed me up with my geography. The whole day I was thinking about it. Saying to myself I am going to google it out as soon as I get home.
Needless to say I forgot until late at night I was watching Comedy Central a stand up with an India guy form Canada. He made the comment why people can get it that India is part of Asia.

I say: Bingo!! I knew I was right.
Amazing how people here are so closed off about other continents.



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